Peer-reviewed publications

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Smart resilience

Fan, C., Zhang, C., Yahja, A., and Mostafavi, A. (2019). “Disaster City Digital Twin: A Vision for Integrating Artificial and Human Intelligence for Disaster Management.” International Journal of Information Management,

Fan, C., Jiang, X., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “A Network Percolation-based Contagion Model of Flood Propagation and Recession in Urban Road Networks,” Nature Scientific Reports, 10, 1348.

Dong, S., Yu, T., Farahmand, H., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Predictive Flood Warning and Situation Awareness using Channel Network Sensors Data,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12629.

Zhang, C., Yao, W., Yang, Y, Huang, R., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Semi-automated Analytics for Social Sensing of Societal Impacts due to Community Disruptions during Disasters,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,

Yang, Y., Zhang, C., Fan, C., Mostafavi, A., and Hu, X. (2020). “Towards Fairness-aware Disaster Informatics: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3035714.


Equitable Resilience

Dargin, J., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Human-Centric Infrastructure Resilience: Uncovering Well-Being Risk Disparity Due to Infrastructure Disruptions in Disasters,” PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234381.

Esmalian, A., Dong, S., and Mostafavi, A. (2021). “Susceptibility Curves for Humans: Empirical Survival Models for Determining Household-level Disturbances from Hazards-induced Infrastructure Service Disruptions,” Sustainable Cities and Society,

Coleman, N., Esmalian, A., Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Equitable Resilience in Infrastructure Systems: Empirical Assessment of Disparities in Hardship Experiences of Vulnerable Populations during Service Disruptions,” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000401.

Fan, C., Esparaza, M., Dargin, J., Wu, F., Oztekin, B., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Spatial Biases in Crowdsourced Data: Social Media Content Attention Concentrates on Populous Areas in Disasters,” Journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101514.

Dargin, J., Fan, C., and Mostafavi, A. (2021). “Vulnerable populations and social media use in disasters: Uncovering the digital divide in three major U.S. hurricanes,” Submitted to the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102043.


Urban Intelligence

Ramchandani, A., Fan, C., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “DeepCOVIDNet: An Interpretable Deep Learning Model for Predictive Surveillance of COVID-19 Using Heterogeneous Features and Their Interactions,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019989.

Fan, C., Jiang, Y., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Emergent social cohesion for coping with community disruptions in disasters,” Royal Society Interface,

Li, Q., Bassel, L., Xiao, X., Fan, C., Gao, X., and Mostafavi, A. (2020). “Disparate Patterns of Movements and Visits to Points of Interests Located in Urban Hotspots across U.S. Metropolitan Cities during COVID-19,” Royal Society Open Science,

Fan, C., Lee, S., Yang*, Y., Oztekin, B., Li, Q., and Mostafavi, A. (20XX), “Effects of Population Co-location Reduction on Cross-county Transmission Risk of COVID-19 in the United States,” Applied Network Science,

Li, Q., Tang, Z., Coleman, N., and Mostafavi, A. (2021). “Detecting Early-warning signals in Time Series of Visits to Points of Interests to Examine Population Response to COVID -19 Pandemic,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3058568.


Complex Modeling of Interdependent Systems

Dong, S., Esmalian, A., Farahmand*, H., and Mostafavi, A. (2019). “An Integrated Physical-Social Analysis of Disrupted Access to Critical Facilities and Community Service-loss Tolerance in Urban Flooding,” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Journal, 0.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101443.

Rasoulkhani, K., Mostafavi, A., Reyes, M., and Batouli, M. (2020). “Resilience Planning in Hazards-Humans-Infrastructure Nexus: Simulation-based Exploratory Assessment of Coastal Water Supply Infrastructure Adaptation to Sea-level Rise,” Environmental Modeling and Software,

Batouli, M., and Mostafavi, A. (2018), “Multi-Agent Simulation for Complex Adaptive Modeling of Roadway Infrastructure Resilience to Sea-Level Rise.” Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33(5), 393-410.

Li, Q., Hannibal, B., Mostafavi, A., Berke, P., Woodruff, S., and Vedlitz, A. (2020). “Assessment of the Actor Collaboration Networks around Hazard Mitigation in Urban Systems: An Empirical Study of Harris County, Texas,” Natural Hazards in April 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-020-04142-1

Dong, S., Li, Q., Farahmand, H., Mostafavi, A., Berke, P., and Vedlitz. (2020). “Institutional Connectedness in Resilience Planning and Management of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems,” ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering,