Our research

Creating scientific and technological innovations for more resilient communities

We produce cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research at the interface of urban science, complex networks, and artificial intelligence. We integrate theories and methods from the fields of data science, network science, and civil engineering. Our goal is to conduct research that matters to the global community.


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Our major questions


What are the fundamental characteristics in a human-infrastructure network that make a community resilient?


What new data science methods and algorithms could provide more intelligent ways for decision makers and residents to predict and respond to disasters?


How can we better address social equality in current urban resilience assessment models and methods?


Featured Projects


Disaster City Digital Twin: Integrating Machine and Human Intelligence to Augment Flood Resilience

Our goal with this research is to generate information, datasets, and novel computational algorithms, that are useable across multiple scales, regions, and stakeholders. This project will focus on creating valuable data products (integrated into a Disaster City Digital twin) that will enhance government decision making, risk reduction, and citizen preparedness and education.


Integrating Social Equality into Infrastructure Resilience Assessment

This project involves an integrative research, education, and outreach plan. The research approach uses household surveys, fine-grained social media data analytics, and computational agent-based modelling to extract, characterize, simulate, and examine household networks. The approach will be tested in the context of Hurricane Harvey in Houston with a focus on electricity, water, and road disruptions.


Human-Infrastructure Systems Resilience to Urban Flooding: Integ

rated Assessment of Social, Institutional, and Physical Networks

This project investigates the connections between flood control, transportation, and emergency response infrastructure to transform flood resilience planning and policy processes in infrastructure systems in coastal urban areas. We will be exploring methodological and theoretical questions in civil engineering, network science, urban planning, and public policy. The findings will be tested in Houston/Harris County using empirical datasets from the 2017 Hurricane Harvey.


Urban Resilience to Health Emergencies

This project analyzes time-bound data required to better understand, predict and more effectively respond to the risk of epidemic spread in urban areas. We will be characterizing human response to epidemic threat based on population activity fluctuations; examining collective sense-making and risk encoding in online social networks; and analyzing collective information processing and actions in actors coordination networks. The findings and models generated in this project will advance the understanding and prediction of urban resilience to health emergencies.


Collaborate with us

We use urban computing, networks, and complexity to advance the fundamental understanding and modeling of urban resilience, so that our cities are better equipped against crises. Are you working on similar topics or have an idea for a collaboration? Send us an email!